Pegbarians are a group of Dutch animators whose content generally focuses on comedy based animation, but has also done a lot of animation work for other YouTubers. They are well known for doing many shorts and series based animations for VanossGaming.
The channel was created on February 8, 2013 andis ran by the group of Florian Walraven, Thijs Koole, Martijn Calkhoven and many other Dutch animators. Their first video was a simple intro under their name, but their second video would become their currently most viewed video on their channel, a parody of Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z.
Additionally, they have done animations for SeaNanners and VanossGaming, mostly well-known on Vanoss's channel.
In 2017, they did the animations for the VanossGaming series Team 6.
They continue to animate, but they now upload their content on Mashed.
The name "Pegbarians" is a portmanteau of the words pegbar and barbarian.